World Green Organisation has been supporting the “Reduce, Reuse & Recycle” concept of waste management. In order to encourage more people to embrace a green lifestyle, we have organised “The Green Heroes – Triathlon Race & Bazaar”. By participating in a challenging race and a range of fun activities, teams can transform themselves into Green Heroes and accomplish the mission of promoting waste reduction.
Event Details
Our Events:
The Green Heroes – Triathlon Race
Each team is consisted of six members. They will need to accomplish three challenges related to waste recycling in the 350-metre race. The games are designed to help staff to foster team building.
Route Map
Please refer to the Chinese version.
Challenge 1

Please refer to the Chinese version.
Challenge 2

Please refer to the Chinese version.
Challenge 3

Please refer to the Chinese version.
Please refer to the Chinese version.
Important Notes
Please refer to the Chinese version.
Method 1: Public transportation
Method 2: Coach from organiser
Note:No car park will be provided.
Contact person:Sunny Cheng Tel:2991 9127
Contact person:Caleb Chan Tel:2991 9123
(Redirect to mobile numbers on activity days)
The Fastest Award
This award will be presented to the team that finishes the race in the shortest period of time.
The Most Outstanding “Green Hero” Costume Award
Teams will be judged on the basis of creativity and how well their costumes reflect the event’s theme for this award.
Green Living Workshops
This range of farm-related workshops are aimed at providing participants with a greater appreciation for green living.
- Mini Scarecrow Making
- Recycled Paper Making
- Happy Cultivating
- Plow and Sow Experience
- Organic Rosemary Cookies Baking
- Mashed Potato with Organic Herbs Baking
(Each workshop can accommodate a maximum of 40 participants. A minimum of 20 participants will be required.)
Game Booths:
In keeping with the theme of environmental protection, a variety of game booths will be available to suit all families.
Green Market:
Organic foods and innovative environmentally friendly products will be available for sale.
Corporations are welcome to encourage staff and their family members to join. Registration deadline: 30 April 2015. Places are limited. Take action NOW! For registration, sponsorship enquires and entitlement details, please call 2391 1693.
Remarks: Without prior notice, World Green Organisation reserves the right to modify the arrangements pertaining to the event. For the latest updates, please refer to our website.
(Amendment Date: 22 May 2015)
Participating Companies

Supporting Organisations