Message from our CEO, Dr. William Yu
Maintaining prosperity and growing sustainably are the toughest challenges facing humanity nowadays. The greatest quest of the 21st century is to improve the standards of living for nine billion people without exhausting the earth’s resources. To achieve this, the governments, businesses and civil societies will be demanded to establish new sustainable models for green economic growth that are in the interests of social and environmental development.
Old concept of Urbanisation is hardly a panacea for social improvement, not to mention the over exploitation in land use and unsustainable agriculture practices. It has been continually achieved at the expense of the environment, especially when it is difficult to affix a price on biodiversity, clean air, natural resources, etc. The reality is, we live on a planet where the global temperature is rising, natural resources are being depleted, fresh water sources is deteriorating, biodiversity loss is accelerating, zoonotic diseases leading to pandemic and the gap between the rich and poor is increasing. There must be more sustainable solutions to alleviate all these crises, otherwise, we will push the whole system over the verge of collapse.
At WGO, we believe every individual (global citizen) can be a part of the solutions, whether it is changing how businesses operate, changing public sector practices and attitudes, or the rest of us changing our lifestyles.
WGO wants to be a catalyst for sustainable change. We sincerely invite you to join us to achieve the sustainable development goals for the world to make our places greener.
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