Embracing Greenism: World Green Organisation’s 12th Anniversary Dinner Banquet cum Green Hong Kong Campaign”

(Hong Kong, 3rd December 2024) — As the global climate crisis intensifies, urgent action is required to catalyze sustainable development and achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The World Green Organisation (WGO) proudly celebrates its 12th Anniversary Dinner Banquet cum Green Hong Kong Campaign under the theme: “Greenism – ESG Evolution: Catalyzing Climate Action for UN SDGs – New Opportunities for Hong Kong’s Future.” This landmark event invites esteemed organizations, sustainability leaders, and the wider community to unite and champion meaningful climate action.

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Event Details:

Date: 3rd December 2024 (Tuesday)

  • 2:30 PM – Global Green Leadership and Green Entrepreneurship Forum
  • 6:00 PM – Cocktail and Networking
  • 7:30 PM – Climate Heroes Banquet

Venue: Grand Ballroom, Regent Hotel, 18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

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Distinguished Guests and Participants The event is graced by key officiating guests including:

  • Mr. TSE Chin Wan, BBS, JP, Secretary, Environment and Ecology Bureau
  • Mr. LIU Chun San, JP, Under Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Transport and Logistics Bureau
  • Dr. CHUI Ho Kwong, Samuel, JP, Director, Environmental Protection Department
  • Mr. FONG Hok Shing, Michael, JP, Director, Civil Engineering and Development Department
  • Mr. YIP Chi Kwai, Tom, JP, Deputy Director, Planning/Territorial
  • Mr. CHOW Hau Keung, Vincent, JP, Deputy Director, Trading Services, Electrical & Mechanical Services Department
  • Mr. WONG Kwok Fai, Alfred, Deputy Director, Water Supplies
  • Mr. LAI Chuen Chi, Patrick, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
  • Mr. NG Chin Hung, Richard, JP, Deputy Director, Highways
  • Hon. Jeffrey LAM Kin-fung, GBM, GBS, JP, Member, Executive Council & Legislative Council, HKSAR Government
  • Professor Simon Shun-Man HO, President, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
  • Ms. Pearl Rampete, Vice Consular (Administration & Consular), Consulate-General of the Republic of South Africa
  • Ms. Carmen Ho, Director, Sustainability at Gaw Capital
  • Mr. Robert Chan, Former Chairman of the Board, World Green Organisation
  • Mr. Alex Cheung, Chairman of the Board, World Green Organisation
  • Mr. Albert Oung, Chairman of the Organising Committee, Founder and President, World Green Organisation
  • Dr. William Yu, Founder and CEO, World Green Organisation

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Key Highlights of the Event:

  • Global Green Leadership Forum The pre-banquet forum will bring together thought leaders to discuss topics such as:
  • Innovative Business Models for Sustainable Success
  • The Future Business Landscape Shaped by Climate Change
  • Green Investments: Paving the Path to a Sustainable Future
  • Doing Business in ASEAN in the New ESG Environment

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Photo 1: Speech by Honourable Guest: Mr. TSE Chin Wan, BBS, JP, Secretary, Environment and Ecology Bureau

Photo 2: Welcome Speech: Mr. Alex Cheung, Chairman of the Board of World Green Organisation

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Photo 3: Appreciation Speech and Green Hong Kong Campaign Introduction: Mr. Albert Oung, Chairman of the Organising Committee, the Founder and President of World Green Organisation

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Photo 4: Climate Heroes Banquet (氣候英雄宴): A culinary masterpiece by International Chef Master Wan (尹達剛師傅), featuring sustainable cuisine.

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Photo 5: Sustainable Business Award 2023 Ceremony: Honoring corporate leaders excelling in sustainability.

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Photo 6: WGO 12th Anniversary Presentation video

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Photo 7: Carbon Neutrality Certificate Presentation

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Photo 8: Green Concert Performances: Charity showcase by Roots Charity Foundation (善根慈善會)

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Photo 9: Closing remarks by Dr. William Yu, CEO of the World Green Organisation

World Green Organisation

The World Green Organisation (WGO) is an independent non-governmental organization dedicated to environmental conservation and promoting sustainable development. Through science-based public policies, community projects, and partnerships, WGO aims to improve the economy, the environment, and livelihoods, ensuring a brighter, more sustainable future for all sectors of society.

For more details about the event and sponsorship opportunities, please visit: https://www.thewgo.org/

Media Enquiry:

WGO CEO : Dr. William Yu
Phone:+852 2391 1693
Email:[email protected]

WGO Senior ESG Manager : Mr. Nick AuYong
Phone:+852 2991 9129
Email:[email protected]

WGO Manager, Digital Marketing and Event : Ms. Flora Ip
Phone:+852 2991 9118
Email:[email protected]