World Green Organisation - Organic Waste Treatment: Problem, Solution & Case Study Seminar

Organic Waste Treatment: Problem, Solution & Case Study Seminar

According to the latest data, in 2012, food waste contributes one third of total municipal solid waste. In facing the immense waste issues, institutions and corporates are keen to develop effective strategy and explore the possible waste solutions in the market.

Organic Waste Treatment: Problem, Solution & Case Study Seminar is organised by World Green Organisation (WGO) and sponsored by Associated Engineers Ltd (AEL). The event details can be found as below:
Date :

3 March 2015 (Tue)

Time :

09:00 - 13:00

(Complimentary Buffet Lunch after 13:00)

Venue : Noah's Hall, Noah's Ark Hotel and Resort, Ma Wan

Language : English and Cantonese

Admission :
Free of charge

Content :
  1. Waste issue in Hong Kong and effective waste reduction strategies for corporations
  2. Various solutions for hotels, property management, etc. to solve food waste problems
  3. Sharing of first-hand experience in promoting food waste composting in residential estates
  4. Composting
Star speakers :

Dr. William Yu

Founder and CEO
World Green Organisation

Mr. Heinrich Schumeckers

Planning and Operations Manager

Target groups : Hotels, Food and Beverage Industry, Property Management, Retails

Transport : Free Shuttle Bus
  • Tsing Yi MTR Station Exit C -->Ma Wan 09:00
  • Ma Wan --> Tsing Yi MTR Station 14:00
Quota : 40

Registration and enquires : / 2391 1693 - Ms Rita Lam

(852) 2391 1693 •
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